

Sunday is an Ultra-Dwarf “greens” type bermudagrass. Developed by a turf grower and golf course owner, Sunday is finer-textured than Tifdwarf. Sunday can be mowed as low as .080 and provides a very consistent, high quality putting surface. In addition, the color of Sunday is monolithic providing a highly aesthetic green putting surface. Sunday has successfully been installed on multiple courses with very positive feedback on its color and reduced maintenance.

Sunday is outperforming Mini Verde, Tif Eagle, and Tif Dwarf in most of the NTEP trials. Sunday putts like an ultra-dwarf bermudagrass, manages like a dwarf bermudagrass, and feels like a bentgrass. With a massive root system, Sunday offers excellent durability and can be mowed as low as .100 inches. This ultra-dwarf has an exceptionally fine texture, uniform grain and consistent surface for smooth ball roll. The color of Sunday is monolithic, providing a highly aesthetic green.

Attributes are:

  • Ease of maintenance: The consensus among superintendents that manage Sunday is that it is very easy to maintain.
  • Versatility: it can be maintained at varying heights and/or levels of input depending on what type of surface you are trying to achieve.
  • Forgiveness and Recover-ability: It can take a beating and bounce back very quickly from damage and or intensive cultural practices.
  • Deep Root Structure: The deep root structure protects it from freeze damage and helps it maintain itself when presented with various stress conditions.
  • Stability: Sunday is known for it’s consistent color and consistent grain, Cotton Creek Golf Course in Gulf Shores, AL has been maintaining the same Sunday greens on their course for almost 30 years and have not had any mutations and are still performing very well.

Specify Sunday Ultra-Dwarf on your next new course or renovation!”


Latitude 36
Latitude 36 is an extremely versatile Bermudagrass, suitable for Sports, Golf, Commercial and Residential applications. It is quickly becoming the new standard in sports field and golf course surfaces.
Sunday is an Ultra-Dwarf "greens" type bermudagrass. Developed by a turf grower and golf course owner, Sunday is finer-textured than Tifdwarf. Sunday can be mowed as low as .080 and provides a very consistent, high quality putting surface. In addition, the color of Sunday is monolithic providing a highly aesthetic green putting surface. Sunday has successfully been installed on multiple courses with very positive feedback on its color and reduced maintenance.
TifTuf™ Bermuda sets the new scientific standard in drought resistance and sustainability – requiring less water and recovering from drought faster than many bermudagrasses on the market. TifTuf™ has a fine texture, bright green color, and boasts superior recovery from traffic and injury. It is an excellent choice for professionals and homeowners seeking a low-maintenance turf with excellent performance under stress.


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